Monday, July 15, 2013

"Battles Vs. Romance"- Teenage Pokemon Season 2 FINALE

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Format and Wombat

How the writing format influences the packaging and product. For example, music I write with composing software is going to be a different set of silverware that something I improvise merrily on a piano with singing and then add multitracking later: as will music I write with a chord chart and a written floppy piece of paper that has lyrics on it. Not that I ever perform any of this music but how it COULD be performed really adds the package to the product. A band provides a product that people can rely on. Concrete Blonde provides Concrete Blonde Brand rock. Even Bowie is pretty consistent despite costume changes. But if someone like Billy Joel starts composing rather than writing Piano Man - the product changes. Steve Martin plays in a bluegrass band. ANyway the aforementioned three ways of songwriting I have been using lately are making me think I could make three albums by the end of 2013 - three different basic products.

Friday, June 14, 2013


can the voice be just another instrument? Isnt that what Michael Stipe said? COcteau Twins? Must the lyrics matter? Must there be a rock star frontman? What about Eno's quavering vocals?