Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today I was on my way to work on Incredible Master Treasure Hunters, a magazine I write in, and I spilled my coffee again. Yet again. My wife was amazed that I can manage to spill my coffee so often. I also bought many fruits and vegetables for my blender to make into juice, and a small eclair pie for my mouth. I watered my plants, and I watered the Rhodedendragon from the top of the stairs, a mighty stream of liquid falling form the heavens!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There are tow versions of "Spirit" and I like them both. I am making a new band inspired by Bauhaus called "Withered When Dead" .

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tour De France

I admire Kraftwerk. I only with they would make a movie.
Some critic said "Electric Cafe" was boring. How wrong, its great. Its just not revolutionary, but it shows great Kraft. I finished a new record called "Tofu for Lunch". Originally it was "Flounder for Lunch" but then that just seemed gross the more I thought about it. They are bottom feeders. I don't think I will probably put it on the website because I am thinking of changing my distribution idea and using CDbaby instead and releasing less material so people don't get over-whelmed.

Plus then I can maybe be on